Saturday, April 6, 2013


Spring...When I hear this word, the first thing that comes to my mind are those wonderful and colorful flowers in the garden. They brighten our days up after the white and boring winter. (That's the reason I don't like winter. It's cold, therefore I have to dress-up so I don't get sick..With all those clothes on me, I feel like I've gained 20 kilograms. )

Another reason why I like spring, is because my birthday is in this season. This year's spring started funny. It snowed. This is the first white spring I remember seeing in my 18 years! :) I felt like this was the birthday present from above for my birthday. It was unusual :)

And of course there are the holidays...Easter, 1st May, my name day :)

Fun facts about spring :) 16 more fun facts :)

 In my opinion, every season has its beauty but if I had to choose, I'd say that spring is my favorite season of the year! :) 

1 comment:

  1. A lovely post :-) I agree with you re. flowers :-) They are one of the reasons I look forward to spring. The links you included contained some new and interesting data to me, for eg. that children grow faster in spring :-)))
