Monday, April 8, 2013

My alter ego would be...

     If I had to decide right now what my alter ego would be, I'd chose qualities like: braveness (more than I'm currently),boldness, contentness, endurance etc.
      I'd take a year off and travel around the world so I can get to know the cultures better.
Visit dangerous places..I'd try all the extreme sports out :) Climb Mt. Everest.
I'd fly to the Moon, explore hidden places, maybe even discover Atlantis.
     I'd help those who need help. One of my main goals would be constructing a time machine, so that people could travel through time. They could go back to the times when the dinosaurs were living. It could improve our knowledge about history. Another goal would be that I invent a cure for diseases that aren't curable.
   I wouldn't always be this good. I'd have a bad side too, just like Dr. Jekyll. :) However, I'm not saying that I would be an evil control freak who wants to control everything around her. ;)

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